
7月23日松葉荘だより “Let’s play an ice cream shop!”

Every 4th Tuesday of the month we have  “English Open Day” at Matsuba-sou in Kurume-city, but this week we had special activities. We’ve had “Let’s play an ice cream shop!”.

The aim is to step out of the boundaries of speaking English for both parents and kids by playing an ice cream shop, which would be super fun just to blend in and enjoy the atmosphere.

We usually don’t have an opportunity to speak English here in Kurume-city, and therefore even if you know just the exact word to order an ice cream, you won’t be confident enough to speak out; just because you have never had a chance. We would love to offer a chance to speak English in a fun way right here at Matsuba-sou, and this special activity is one of them.

Anyway, here they were, making ice cream all by themselves! Yes, we have tried to divide the participants into two groups at first: customers and the ice cream shop to have some English conversation. Unfortunately, we have failed. We’ve never thought that everyone wanted to make their own ice cream instead of role-playing in ice cream shop.

Our aim here might have not been fully accomplished, but I am sure that they had at least learned one new sentence, “What would you like?” and I personally think that’s a success.

We are also having another special activity this August too, so we hope we can share some more fun in English!



小3と年中の2人の息子の母です。お母さん大学と並行して「ゆるっぽ」というグループで外遊びを通じて子どものやりたいを応援する活動もしています。 内容によっては英語の方が文章を書きやすい時があり、たまに英語のまま投稿しています。