
Mismatched shoes/ 色違いの靴

Both of my sons, the older and the younger, have enjoyed wearing mismatched socks on purpose since they were little. My younger son even likes wearing shoes in mismatched pairs. It’s not that shoes are sold that way in stores; he bought two identical pairs, except for the colors. He originally had red shoes, but later begged us to buy blue ones because he was teased so much in kindergarten.

Anyway, it wasn’t his intention from the start to wear mismatched shoes, but one day, it just popped into his head. “Why not just wear one of each?”. And since then, he’s been wearing shoes in different colors every day. What’s interesting is that whenever he wears mismatched shoes, everyone we know – and sometimes even strangers – stops to compliment him on his shoes. I personally think this is quite rare for us Japanese people.

I’ve started to think shoe companies should make more shoes in mismatched pairs, especially since they get this much attention. There should be quite a lot demand for them, especially from people like my son!






不登校の小3の長男と年中の次男、発達凸凹の2人の息子の母です。お母さん大学と並行して、久留米市にて「ゆるっぽ」という、自分の責任で自由に遊ぶ、子どもたちのやりたい!を大事に遊べる居場所作りもしています。 内容によっては英語の方が文章を書きやすい時があり、たまに英語のまま投稿しています。